How to Get a Real Estate Licence In QLD and What Does It Entitle?
I have always thought that it must be such a joy working as a real estate agent. Spending my time viewing a myriad of properties, from enchanting, beautiful and unforgettable ones to those drab and dreary. With lush gardens, picket fences, high ceilings, Victorian finishes to more modern contemporary designs. Then critiquing these spaces, perhaps even opening up a blog or page where I can advise people on real estate issues; sounds like something I could do for the rest of my life. So much fun! In fact, I thought I could wake up and become a realtor overnight. I could even do it for free! Hobbies!! What I didn’t know, though, was that it’s not like eating pie. Particularly in Queensland, it is a legal requirement that a real estate agent obtains a real estate licence from an accredited training organization for them to practice. How shocking was this? After a bit (actually quite a lot) of digging around, I made a load of discoveries and figured that I could walk other people who like me had no idea of such requirements. I will, therefore, go through the details of how to go about getting this document, and what entitlements it can offer you. You might want to take some notes as we go….